Effects and change of endothelial progenitor cells from peripheral blood in patients with coronary heart disease before and after injecting Shenmai Injection 参麦注射液治疗冠心病疗效及患者内皮祖细胞的变化
Evaluation of peripheral vascular function in patients with coronary heart disease by echo-tracking technique 回声跟踪技术评价冠心病患者的外周血管功能
The changes of T lymphocyte subpopulation in peripheral blood and the functions of heart, kidney and brain in different phases of type ⅱ diabetes mellitus with chronic multiple organ involvements were analyzed. 随访观察不同时期Ⅱ型糖尿病并发慢性多脏器病变患者外周血T细胞亚群及心、肾、脑功能的变化。
The combined incidence of stroke, peripheral embolism, congestive heart failure, infective endocarditis and death was 28% in patients with valvular disease, but only 11% in those without valvular disease. 随访中有瓣膜病变的SLE病人的并发症(包括中风、外周栓塞、充血性心力衰竭、感染性心内膜炎和死亡)发生率为28%,而无瓣膜病变者仅为11%。
The results showed that there was a peripheral arteral pressure falls rapidly in the small arteries and arterioles, which were the main site of peripheral resistance against which the heart pumps in EH. 结果显示:1.EH组外周血压显著下降部位发生于小动脉和微动脉,而正常对照组外周血压显著下降部位仅发生于毛细血管前微动脉,提示EH组总外周阻力血管段延长。
The patients with chronic alcoholic myopathy are usually complicated with lesions of peripheral nerve and heart. 慢性酒精中毒性肌肉病变常合并周围神经和心脏损害。
Detection of Pneumonia Chlamydiae in the Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell of Coronary Heart Disease by Indirect Immunofluorescence and Nest-PCR 冠心病外周血单核细胞肺炎衣原体病原体检测的意义
Practical Research of Ultrasound in Peripheral Artery for Patients with Coronary Heart Disease 冠心病患者外周动脉超声应用研究
Gene expression of tumor necrosis factor superfamily in peripheral blood mononuclear cells during chronic heart failure 肿瘤坏死因子超家族基因在慢性心力衰竭外周血单核细胞的表达
The relation between peripheral atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease 外周动脉粥样硬化与冠心病的相关性研究
The influence of peripheral chemoreceptors activities on heart 外周化学感受器活动对心率变异性的影响
The Relationship between Abnormalities of Peripheral Artery Structure, Function and Coronary Heart Disease and the Therapeutic Study of Atorvastatin in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease 外周动脉结构和功能异常与冠心病的关系及阿托伐他汀治疗的研究
Expression of neutral endopeptidase in peripheral lymphocytes of patients with congestive heart failure 中性内肽酶在心力衰竭患者淋巴细胞中的表达
Prognostic significance of peripheral leukocyte count for heart failure after acute myocardial infarction 外周血白细胞计数对急性心肌梗死心力衰竭的预测作用
Its dosage cannot be limited for its strong sweating capacity or the functions of Ephedrine such as contracting peripheral blood vessels and strengthening heart, which are revealed by modern pharmacology. 麻黄的用量不能因其辛温发汗力强或现代药理麻黄碱有收缩周围血管和强心作用而被束缚,相反应从中得到启迪。
A study of sister chromatid exchange ( sce) in peripheral lymphocytes of coronary heart disease and essential hypertension disease 冠心病高血压病SCE频率的研究
Etiology of arteriosclerosis: Detection of chlamydia pneumoniae DNA in peripheral blood of patients with coronary heart disease with nested polymerase chain reaction 动脉硬化病因学研究:巢式聚合酶链反应法测定冠心病患者外周血肺炎衣原体DNA
Objective: To appraise the clinical value of high-frequency ultrasound in evaluating peripheral vessel endotheli-um-dependent vasodilation for coronary heart disease ( CHD). 目的:探讨高频超声检测冠心病患者外周血管内皮依赖性舒张功能的临床价值。
Effects of ciclosporin A on mRNA expression of peripheral lymphocytes in rats undergoing heart transplantation 环孢素对心脏移植大鼠外周血淋巴细胞多基因mRNA表达的影响
Differential gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from chronic heart failure patients and healthy controls 慢性心力衰竭患者与正常人外周血单核细胞基因的表达差异
Increased peripheral chemoreceptors sensitivity and exercise ventilation in heart transplant recipients 心脏移植受者中外周化学感受器的敏感性和运动通气量均增加
Effect of Selenium on Expression of Immune Molecules and Multiple Gene in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells from Allogeneic Heart Transplantation Rats 硒对心脏移植大鼠外周血单个核细胞免疫分子、基因表达的影响
Method A computer model was developed. It had 7 subparts: the redistribution of blood, the filling of left ventricle, left ventricle, peripheral circulation, control of heart rate, control of peripheral resistance and control of venous tone. 方法建立了一个数学模型,模型包括7部分:血液重分配控制、左室灌注、左室、外周循环、心率调节控制、外周阻力调节控制、静脉紧张程度控制。
Apart from SCN, it is shown that peripheral tissues ( such as heart, liver, kidney, etc) have circadian oscillators. 外周组织如心、肝、肾等也有生物钟基因的表达。
A recent clinical trial reported that BMM by G-CSF with or without coronary arterial injection of hematopoietic stem cells isolated from autologous peripheral blood improved heart function of MI patients, however, the higher rate of restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention was accompanied. 近期的一项临床试验发现,利用G-CSF进行骨髓动员提取造血干细胞在冠脉介入治疗后经冠脉注入心肌可以改善心功能,但骨髓动员同时导致冠脉介入治疗后血管再狭窄的发生率增加。
Objective: 1. To investigate the relation between the proliferation, migration and adhering of endothelial progenitor cells ( EPCs) in peripheral blood with coronary heart diseases cultured in vitro and the activity of telomerase. 2. 目的1.观察体外培养冠心病患者外周血中内皮祖细胞(EPCs)增殖、迁移和粘附能力与EPCs端粒酶活性之间的关系。